Jesus Said:
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirt, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
Matthew 28:19-20
In joyful obedience to Christ's command, Immanuel Lutheran Church provides opportunities for Christian Education for people of all ages. Through careful, lifelong study of Gor'd Holy Word we seek to grow up into Christ, being equipped by Him for every good work. All are welcome and encouraged to take advantage of the opportunities for Christian Education provided here.
But as for you, continue what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:14-17
Sunday Morning Bible Class
Every Sunday morning following worship. Class begins around 10:15am in the Great Room.
Men's Bible Class
Monthly Bible Study the First Wednesday of the month
7:00am at the Lamplighter Restaurant in Sebewaing
Men's Lenten Bible Studies
Every Wednesday in Lent
7:00am at the Lamplighter Restaurant in Sebewaing
Wednesday Adult Bible Class
Wednesday's adult bible class is held at 9:30 am in the Great Room. Pastor Charles Kuhl is leading the bible class discussion, Come and learn and be lifted up. (September through June)
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
This summer you are invited to participate in a Wednesday Evening Bible Study at 7pm in the Great Room. The area of study and discussion will be the Books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes led by Jim & Connie Bunke. Bring your Bible! Bring a friend!
Barbara Bleck, Director of Music
Barbara grew up in Oklahoma with her mother as her first piano teacher. At age thirteen she began playing the organ in church and at fifteen began formal organ lessons. Barbara received a Bachelor of Music degree from Oklahoma State University before moving to Chicago, where she lived for many years. While in Chicago she earned a Master of Music degree from the Music Conservatory of Roosevelt University. Barbara’s official work as Immanuel’s Director of Music began in July 2016.
Listen to the 9:00 AM Sunday worship service live broadcast in the thumb area on
Positive Country 103.7 FM WCZE.
There have been a couple times where our 9am radio broadcast had technical problems.
If that happens again and we are not on-air at 9am, 103.7 FM will broadcast
our worship service at 11am that same day.
OWLs are members of Immanuel age 55 and over. They are young at heart "seniors" - Christian folk who give a hoot!
No business meetings, officers, or dues. Come join in the fun and fellowship!
Worship Anew
Worship Anew is a great source of comfort and celebrates the new life all people have in Jesus with a 30-minute broadcast service. God's love is shared through weekly Scripture readings, favorite church hymns, prayers, and a pastor's message that reveals God's grace and truth. You can watch it online at Worship Anew.
Worship Anew Media is now publishing the fine devotional, HOPE-FULL LIVING. Get more information on these resources at
Spiritual enrichment for all ages, but especially for seniors: Use your daily devotion guide, Portals of Prayer. Each issue contains a treasury of prayers along with the daily readings.
Also, watch "WORSHIP ANEW". This fine Lutheran program is shown every Sunday morning at 11:30 on channel 49, as well as on Comcast (ch 8 or 237HD), on DISH network (ch 49), and DIRECTV (ch 377). Click here to access website.
Members of the OAM committee: Doug Forsberg - chair, Nancy Brown, Barb Neuman, Sally Rievert, Richard Wrobleski.
We all face times when a friend, neighbor, co-worker, relative, or someone else we know experiences deep suffering in his or her life. We want and need to reach out - but aren’t sure how. Immanuel Lutheran Church has four trained Stephen Ministry Leaders and an additional 16 commissioned Stephen Ministers ready to help members of the congregation and community. If you could benefit from the confidentiality of someone who will listen, pray and provide comfort during life’s most difficult times, please call the church office for more information on receiving a Stephen Minister Caregiver. If you would like to become a Stephen Minister, please pick up an application in the church office or call for more information.
Stephen Ministry was recently featured on PBS’ Faith and Ethics television news program. Click here to watch.
The Stewardship Ministry helps the congregation grow in their understanding and implementation of a life of stewardship. Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of God’s family — the church — in managing life’s resources for His purposes.
Christian stewardship begins with God at the center. When stewardship revolves around any other center, it is miss conceived. The institution of the church is an inadequate substitute for the incarnate body of Christ. The church as an institution is a means to the end of the church as the fellowship of all believers. Stewardship is servanthood to God through the church, not to the church institution.
The Board of Stewardship shall:
Guidelines for Christian Stewards
The Seven T's of Christian Stewardship
“Christian stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God, and God’s family the Church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purposes.” It’s more than “time, talent and treasure!” Being God’s steward in all of life involves seven “T’s.” Please give your prayerful attention to each of these biblical realities for life with God.
TIME: It’s a gift from God! ... each second, minute, hour, day! ... How we use them reflects our stewardship of God’s gift of life! See Psalm 31:15; Ecclesiastes 3 and 8; Esther 4:14.
TALENT: It’s a gift from God. Everyone has some! God gives talent in great variety! Read Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. Discovering, developing and deploying those talents is a matter of our stewardship . . . individually and collectively!
TREASURE: Money is a gift from God. God owns it. God lets us earn and use it! Christians are God’s stewards! We are managers. We did not make our own brain! ... and we’ve never seen a moving van pulled behind a hearse! It all goes back to God! See Luke 12:13–21; Matt. 25:14–46; 1 Cor. 16:2; 2 Corinthians 8–9.
TESTIMONY: It’s a privilege to share the love Christ has given us! We are “stewards” of the Gospel and we have HIS story to tell! Stewards “testify” about HIS life-giving forgiveness, peace and hope! See John 10; Acts 1:8; 1 Peter 3:15; Rom. 1:16–17.
TOUCH: The amazing truth is: GOD works thru people with His grace . . . and as God’s stewards (instruments agents, managers), Jesus’ followers touch the lives of others with HIS compassion, care and love. Relationships matter! Consider Luke 15; Matt. 25:31–45; Matt. 19:13–15.
TISSUE: Being the steward, a caretaker of one's body is a matter of Christian stewardship. See 1 Cor. 3:16 and 6:19 about being God’s “temple!” ... being an organ or blood donor, giving of one’s God-given body parts for the benefit of another of God’s children is being a steward.
TRASH: The care of God’s creation, GOD’S earth, is a matter of stewardship (Genesis 1–2; Ps. 24:1–2; etc.) and what and how we discard things reflects on our awareness of GOD’S ownership and our management as stewards!
Being God’s steward is a daily, life-long privilege!
In our congregations, we can help one another persevere in this holy calling!
May our Lord bless and multiply His stewards!
Source: Guidelines for Christian Stewards • Page 20 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Stewardship Ministry • 1333 S. Kirkwood Road • St. Louis, MO 63122
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
Lutheran Women in Mission is the official women's auxiliary of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. For 75 years the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
Immanuel’s local society has meetings quarterly on the fourth Tuesday of January, April, July, and October where ministry is led from the LWML Quarterly followed by a business meeting and refreshments. The main emphasis is on supporting missions and missionaries all over the world. Ladies assist Lutheran World Relief by collecting items for school kits, baby layettes, sewing kits, eyeglasses, sunglasses, cases and just lenses are collected to assist MOST mission teams. Quilts are tied and sent to LWR, along with assisting local food pantries, pregnancy centers and rescue missions.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League Website
Ladies Aid
Ladies Aid meetings are held on the last Thursday in April, May, September, October, November, and December. Each meeting provides the opportunity for Christian worship, fellowship, and education.
Our projects are:
*Children’s Activity Bags used during church services
*Enrollment of children in our congregation’s
Birth to 5 Great Start Tuscola’s Imagination Library
Mary Martha Guild
To foster and provide Christian love and fellowship and to provide material for wholesome recreation with the Guild.
Mary Martha Guild was organized on April 5, 1950. We meet on the second Wednesday of September, October, November, February, March, April, and May at 8 pm in the Great Room. Each meeting consists of a devotion, a business meeting with reports from our standing committees, refreshments, prayer requests, and sisterly fellowship.
President: Carol Mammel
Vice President: Connie Reithel
Secretary: Ursula Gangler
Treasurer: Sheree Goebel
YEARLY PROJECTS include the Holiday Cookie Walk at the Sebewaing Christmas Open House at the Township Hall in November and the Soup Supper Lenten Meager Meal on Ash Wednesday.
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